If there are still issues not mentioned in this announcement, please head over to the Troubleshooting sub forum titled ∻ug Reports.� We know that this patch release did not address all issues, but again, we are continually in talks with our dev team to make sure that the Disgaea PC community�s inquiries are answered and fixed. The movement speed inside the castle has slowed downĭeleting �pad.cfg� for improved gamepad performance The d-pad and analog stick now have the same movement speed Xbox Controller users cannot move diagonally
Xbox Controller analog stick does not move freely during battle Memory leak freezes (Cave of Ordeals 3, Item World and extended play times) have been addressedĪfter the patch was released this morning, we've seen the following reports: Now fully compatible with Steam Controller We are here for a Disgaea PC patch update (3/16/16)! Our dev team has addressed the following issues: